Monday, June 25, 2012

Whose Kid Are You?

Come on. Admit it. You've had that moment. You're in public and your kid does something totally weird. You look at your kid and exasperatedly ask, loudly enough that the people next to you will hear, "Whose kid are you?!" Lately, I feel like this is happening more  and more often in my world.

Most recent whose-kid-are-you moment with my three year old son, Boo?
Picture it. We're visiting a picturesque farm in Sullivan Country, PA. We don't know the farmer. He's a friend of a friend. So the farmer is being very hospitable. He invites us over, shows us around, lets us feed and pet his two fawns, etc. Now this is a "retired" farm, so some of the animals just mosey around the yard and such. So we're standing there, talking to this nice man (farmer), when up meanders a donkey. "Perfect," I think! And I begin pointing out the donkey to Boo, telling him that this donkey is like the one Jesus rode. Here comes the moment-
-wait for it-
Boo squats down and cranes his head to view the donkey's peeper, and gasps, "Wow!"

I stand there not knowing whether to be appalled or amused and feel a little bit of both. Yep. Leaves you wanting to ask, "Whose kid are you?!"

Do you ever wonder how many times a day God looks down on us and is both amused and appalled by the things we do and say? I mean imagine all of the bad choices, inappropriate behaviors, and insensitive things we say each day. And yet he loves us still. He loves us despite it all.

Have a whose-kid-are-you moment to share? Leave it in my comments!