Friday, August 3, 2012

E Walk

Baby weight. At this point, I should  just call it "toddler weight". Who's with me here? You put on a few extra pounds because you were"eating for two," and now you are keeping those few extra pounds, because you're eating whatever your two year old doesn't finish. Plus also, you, like me, hate to exercise. Exercise creates sweat. Yuck.

However, in an effort to remove some of this "toddler weight", I recently declared that I will exercise every day. Now, what can I do to exercise when I have two toddlers to look after? (Seems like looking after two toddlers would be enough exercise in itself, but alas, I have confirmed otherwise.) So we have been taking a lot of stroller rides lately.

This week I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Exercise AND teach my three year old about the letter E, which is the first letter of his name.

We loaded up the stroller with the kids and the camera, and headed out down our street. I thought we'd have to walk up to Main Street to find Es because we live in a neighborhood and surely there would be more Es on a business street. However, we found most of our Es right on the street where we live. You'd be surprised how much print is out there!

We found Es on our stroller, on tires, on a truck, on the playground equipment and on signs! We stopped to point out and take pictures of each E we found.

My son is just beginning to take interest in letters, so we focused our search on capital E, which he readily recognizes. Sometimes I would point out and E,  but sometimes he would find the letter first!

When we came home, we used the computer to put together a simple book of our walk. That way we can read our book, remember our walk, and find the same Es all over again!

If I were really ambitious, I'd laminate the book and let Eboy use a dry erase marker to circle the Es, but I'm just not that ambitious. Guess I need to get out and get some more exercise!


  1. What a great idea! My "A" is all into her letter too. She would love this! I love how the teacher in you comes out as you parent! : )

  2. How creative...I can tell you used to be a teacher! :-) still are to the 2 Es!
