Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Things to Love About 3

There are days when I think I will not survive the threes.

Today is not one of those days.

Things I Love About 3:  (Lest I ever forget)

No more diapers.

It's me he comes to when he is hurt or sad.

Listening to him "read" to his sister.

His ability to dance naked, in the front window, to the Bible School soundtrack, with no inhibition.

Unloading the dishwasher, putting laundry away, and washing the dishes are considered fun!

Watching him expand on his learning. (He's been repelling off of everything in sight ever since our visit to the fire house last month.)

The way he protects his little sister by holding her hand so she won't walk too close to the pool.

At restaurants, he asks his little sister if she wants chicken nuggets or cheesy toast so they can share the meal.

Watching the garbage truck is still one of our major weekly activities.

He doesn't go to bed without kissing his sister goodnight.

The way he hugs Miss Kim when we leave the library.

The way he talks about Jesus, just like He is one of us.

Have a favorite thing about 3? Leave a comment.

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